We expose a HTTP web service conform to the FDSN WS-EVENT specification providing all our event data. Event information can include all origins and all arrivals as desired. Output format can be Quakeml, Json or Text. The full description of data and specifications of the webservice are in this document.
This web form will help you to learn and construct url with parameters to be used in a shell script for example (with curl or wget) or any programming language providing http client connection. Tutorials are available on EMSC github as Use cases (python/shell/notebook) and as Hands-on-Session (python). This service is integrated into the EPOS platform .
The FDSN server was updated (2023-03) to a more modern framework and the maximim number of events per request has increased to 20000. There may be small disparities with the previous server that require adjustments to your requests, for instance around the formats of times, please contact us if there are problems with the new server.
Update 2023-07: minlongitude/minlon and maxlongitude/maxlon now range between -360° and 360° intelligently wrapping at ±180°. It is considered that the minlon parameter defines the western limit while the maxlon parameter defines the eastern limit.
Some framework can automatically generate binding from WADL description file, so the link is here
Generated URL : {{serverName}}{{baseFDSNUrl}}?{{params}}
Call the Web Service Loading data